Minister’s Page Feed The soul


We here at 980 EZ understand that the music is good but it comes a time that you must feed the Soul. We are asking ministers who would like to come in and give our listeners a 15 min word that can feed the soul. And if you’re interested here’s what you do.

First and foremost there is no charge to you. We only want people that truly want to feed the flock with a word not to promote themselves or any one church but to help feed the soul of our listeners.

  1. Record your message in 15 min segments
  2. You can submit a total of 6.
  3. It’s recommended that you use a recording studio for this.
  4. It needs to have a good mix
  5. Send in MP3 format to
  6. [email protected]
  7. Marked Feed the soul
  8. Introduce yourself and title
  9. Introduce your church and address
  10. Time of your services
  11. Now your message to the flock
  12. All messages sent in will be reviewed by our program Director for air play any program sent will not be return.

We thank you for all your help and we know that together with 980 EZ we all can do the work in spreading the word.